Shipping Information

This page shows shipping info depending on where the product is coming from, all currency is displayed in USD $, GBP £ or Euro €

UK Supplier:

United Kingdom, Order value £39.99 or under, £3 - Order over £40 - FREE 

EU Supplier:

Europe (EU Zone), Order value €45.99 or under, €3.95 - Order over €46 - FREE 

U.S supplier:

U.S. and Canada, Order value $49.99 or under, $4 - Order over $5- FREE 


Shipping to territories outside of these zones (i.e. rest of the world) may come with additional charges, I encourge you to check which supplier works out cheaper for you, as they may all vary. 

This information was accurate at time of entry 02/07/23, it may change at anytime.